Workplace Assessment Report

Our workplace assessment reports offer a detailed overview of the assessment completed by one of our Occupational Therapists. The purpose of the report is to resolve problems that are causing or aggravating workplace injuries. It will document preventive actions, risk management strategies and offer training opportunities. A workplace assessment report is a useful tool for both the employee and the employer. The following information will be included in a workplace assessment report:


A poorly organised office workstation can assist in the contribution to work-related upper limb disorders. It can alsocause other symptoms such as eyestrain, headaches and migraines, these conditions are avoidable. Workstations should be thoroughly assessed to ensure certain requirements are met, ensuring that the station is adequately equipped and adjustable to meet the user's needs. An ergonomic workstation assessment is suggested for all staff using computers fora significant part of their working day. Our Occupational Therapists will highlight and document any preventive actions that can be taken in order to prevent any of the above conditions from occurring.

Safety in the workplace

Workplace safety is about preventing injury and illness to employees and volunteers in the workplace. To make the workplace safer, the organization has to acknowledge which potential health and safety hazards are presents. Our Occupational Therapists can aid employers with this task and will look at all aspects of the workplace such as: lighting, moving around the premises, cleanliness, hygiene and welfare, comfortable conditions and working outdoors.

Arrange an appointment

If you would like to arrange a workplace assessment report or would like further information then please feel free to call us on 02033 937 332 or email us at

Find out more about arranging a workplace assessment.



London OT offer and provide a range of Occupational Therapy services for individuals with a variety of conditions.

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