
Our Occupational Therapists here at London OT can advise organisations in the public and private sector about moving and handling, and risk management. Our expertise can help to reduce the occurrence of injuries. We also aim to help employees with exiting problems reduce the likelihood of problems being exacerbated by their environment.

Why choose us?

At London OT we have a highly skilled and experienced team of experts who can provide a first class service. They communicate on a regular basis with many organisations and offer the following:

  • Effective clear communication
  • High quality services
  • Clear and effective communication methods
  • Written quotations upon request

Our Occupational Therapy experts understand what is required and are extremely flexible. They will meet the needs of each and every individual they work with.

We offer the following services:

Workplace and workstation Assessments

Our workplace assessments are specialised on-site assessments of an employee's duties and responsibilities. Our assessments help individuals and their employers resolve problems identified as causing or exacerbating a workplace injury or illness. Our Occupational Therapists will recommend preventative actions, such as safety risk assessments, ergonomic assessment or training. A workplace assessment is also a useful tool for upgrading medical certificates or sourcing suitable duties. It can be used to compliment occupational rehabilitation, or itself may substitute for a treatment program. Employers can also use the assessment to ensure the workplace is equipped for new workers, people with disabilities or those with specific needs.

Access audits

We can provide access audits which adhere to the DisabilityDiscrimination Act 1995 and assess an individual's premises in relation to its safety and accessibility. From here our Occupational Therapists can recommend adaptations to improve on both these aspects.


An integral part of the Occupational Therapy process is information gathering. One way in which this is completed is through the use of assessments. Assessments provided by our Occupational Therapists include the following:

Our assessments are very flexible and can be carried out on a one to one basis, in the individual's own home or here in one of our clinics.


Our Occupational Therapy is of a practical nature and takes place wherever it would be of most benefit. Our treatments aim to help individual regain or improve upon their overall independence through a range of different approaches some of which are listed below:

All our Occupational Therapy treatments programmes are designed to meet the individual needs of those with disabling conditions or illnesses. They aim to increase levels of independency and decrease the effects of the disability.

Our Occupational Therapists are highly trained professionals and can work with individuals with a wide variety of condition and problems to enhance their quality of life and minimise the effects of their disability. Listed below are the most common conditions and problems our Occupational Therapists work with:



Arrange an appointment

To get in touch with a member of our team, or to find out more information regarding the services we offer, please call us on 02033 937 332 or email us at



London OT offer and provide a range of Occupational Therapy services for individuals with a variety of conditions.

We Work With
