Fatigue Management

Fatigue is one of the common symptoms of many disorders and conditions and can have a major impact on an individual's life. Fatigue dose not relate to relapses, nor to any permanent increase in disability, although previously experienced symptoms may recur during fatigue but subside after rest.Individuals can experience fatigue that interrupts their daily life or that prevents them from working whilst having no other symptoms. Our Occupational Therapists look at all the physical, physiological, environmental and social issues that are relevant to the individual and assist in the management of their fatigue. Our Occupational Therapists may suggest any of the following:


For some individual's, rest helps relieve fatigue and is an important part of fatigue management. Resting can prevent individuals from getting to a point of complete exhaustion and coming to a sudden halt, mid task. Our Occupational therapists may instruct individuals to take a few small breaks, for example: try taking a short rest or power nap through the day, Try just one longer rest at the same time each day or take a break between coming home from work and getting ready for the evening. All of which have proven to help individuals in the management of their fatigue.

Prioritise task

Prioritising activities can also help individuals save energy for things they really want and need to do. It can help individuals plan their activities and their time to rest and recuperate. Our Occupational Therapists may advice individual's to make lists of all the activities they complete on a typical day to day or weekly basis. In doing so, individuals can prioritise their daily tasks in a more energy conserving manner.

Organising living and work space

Sometimes, the simplest of changes to a workplace or home space can make it a more energy efficient environment. Our Occupational therapists may recommend a home visit for such individuals and advise on some major or minor changes to the home in order to help individuals with their management of fatigue.


It seems to go against common sense to exert yourself if you experience fatigue. However, there is strong evidence that exercise helps keep your body working at its best and can improve strength, fitness and mood. It is possible to do too much exercise, so our Occupational Therapists will create a balanced exercise regime which will best suit the individual.


By rating your fatigue levels at different times of the day, and in relation to different activities, can help individuals discover patterns to their fatigue and help them manage it more effectively.

Arrange an appointment

If you would like to talk to one of our therapists regarding fatigue management then please feel free to contact us on 02033 937 332 or email us on office@londonot.co.uk



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