Who we are

London OT is an independent, private Occupational Therapy company offering a high quality service to improve the lives of individuals with disabling conditions or illness.

Our Occupational Therapists work with individuals from a range of backgrounds, culture and age groups, helping them to cope with a variety of both physical and psychological problems.

Our Occupational Therapists are specially trained and experienced and work with individuals to consider how their physical health, mental health and social environment affect their ability to carry out daily living activities such as personal care, socialising, domestic tasks and work.

To ensure we provide the highest standard of care, all our therapists undergo regular reviews and appraisals and are asked to reflect upon their practice in order to help them improve their skills and knowledge regarding a range of common conditions. Our Occupational Therapists also undergo regular training and will utilise evidence based practice will all our patients.

Arrange an appointment

If you would like more information regarding our service then please feel free to contact us on 02033 937 332 or email us at office@londonot.co.uk


London OT offer and provide a range of Occupational Therapy services for individuals with a variety of conditions.

We Work With
