Activities Of Daily Living Report

Activities of daily living are the tasks that individuals participate in daily, such as washing, eating, brushing teeth, cleaning house, and going to work, etc. Average people take these activities for granted because they are able to do them easily and automatically. An individual with a disability may find it difficult to do some of these activities. Our Occupational Therapists work with the main problems that are preventing someone from doing these activities, and look at ways to make these activities easier for the individual to do.

What are activities of daily living?

Activities of daily living are those activities individuals need and want to do, examples of which are listed below:

  • Dressing - Washing
  • Cooking - Cleaning
  • Grooming - Playing sports
  • Going the gym - Walking the dog
  • Working - Socialising
  • Toileting - Feeding
  • Transferring - Claiming stairs
  • Shopping - Managing medication
  • Driving - Managing finances

Many individuals take the above activities for granted, however those with a serve conditions can find such activities challenging and may struggle to complete these all together. Our Occupational Therapists are highly skilled and trained and can aid an individual's independence in the above activities through therapy, aids or adaptations.

What will the report Contain?

Our Activities of daily living reports will outline the findings of our ADL assessments carried out by one of our Occupational Therapists. Individuals may wish to use the report as a second opinion or just for their own reference. The purpose of the report will be decided by the individual and written by our Occupational Therapist. The report will contain information regarding the everyday activities an individual is having difficulties with and will provide recommendations on how best to improve upon this.

Summary of function in ADL's

Dressing - this can be a complex activity as it requires a number of skills such as: Fine and gross motor, balance, perception, stereognosis and body schema. Our Occupational Therapist can provide individuals with difficulties dressing, new techniques and adaptive equipment to make this activity much easier and stress free.

Washing - this again is a complex activity as it requires a wide variety of skills. Our Occupational Therapists are highly skilled and knowledgeable within this area and can offer individuals advice on how to adapt the activity to make it easier to complete.

Equipment recommendations

Our reports can offer equipment recommendations which can include any of the following:

  • Button hooks - Bra angle
  • Dressing sticks - Reacher's or pick up sticks
  • Pants clip - Zip aids
  • Sock, stocking aids - Shoelace aids
  • Shoe horns - Perching stool
  • Seat raisers - Rails
  • Ramps - Toilet frames
  • Adaptive cutlery - Walking aids
  • Back supports - Stair lifts

This is just a small summary of the available equipment out there. Our Occupational Therapists will assess individuals carefully and provide recommendations for appropriate equipment.

Further recommendations

An aids and adaptations report would also contain information regarding further recommendations. This would include the type of therapy (group or 1:1), duration, location and the aspects of the therapy an individual will require in order to improve upon their skills of daily living.

Arrange an appointment

If you are interested in obtaining an aids and adaptations report then please feel free to email us at

Find out more about arranging an activities of daily living assessment.



London OT offer and provide a range of Occupational Therapy services for individuals with a variety of conditions.

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