Housing Report

A housing assessment report provides a summary of the housing assessment completed by one of our Occupational therapists. Individuals may wish to use the report as a second opinion or just for their own reference. The use of the report however is decided by the individual and will be written by one of our highly trained therapists. The housing assessment report will contain the following information:

What will the report contain?

The housing assessment report would document the safety of the home environment and the impact it is having on the individual's ability to complete daily occupations such as washing, dressing, cooking, cleaning and mobilising. It will outline in detail any trip hazards observed and will analyses the layout of the environment in relation to any equipment recommendations.

Benefits of a housing assessment report

Here are many benefits to our housing reports some of which are listed below:

  • Needs are accurately assessed in the home
  • Equipment needs assessed
  • Long term / short term adaptations recommendations

Above is just a small summary of the benefits of our housing assessment, other benefits include, increased independence, increased life satisfaction and so on.

Further recommendations

A housing assessment report would also contain information regarding the further recommendations. This would include the type of therapy (group or 1:1) duration, location and the aspects of therapy all of which aim to improve overall level of independence within the home environment.

Each of our highly trained and experienced therapists can tailor the report to the individual's needs, offering specialised treatment goals to aid an individual participation in activities they want and need to complete.


Our housing assessment reports are holistic and will examined all areas of daily life such as washing, dressing, transferring in and out of bed. From here our Occupational Therapists will make professional recommendation and provide advice on how to increase an individual's independence, which overall which enhance their life satisfaction.

Arrange an appointment

If you are interested in obtaining a housing assessment report then please feel free to contact us on 02033 937 332 or email us at office@londonot.co.uk

Find out more about arranging a housing assessment.



London OT offer and provide a range of Occupational Therapy services for individuals with a variety of conditions.

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