Risk Assessment Report

Our risk assessment reportssummarise the main risks to an individual's safety. Each environment has its own accompanying risk that we all control on a daily basis ranging from physical risk (falling over) to psycho-social risks( bulling, low confidence and communication difficulties). Following the assessment our therapists will provide management of risks to the individual through the use of education, adaptive equipment and personal aids.

Equipment recommendations for safety

Education is a vital part of risk management however the use of adaptive equipment will also offer everlasting solutions to provide a safer environment. There is a variety of adaptive equipment and this varies on each individual case. The therapist will only ever recommend the most suitable and beneficial equipment to each individual.

Benefits of our risk assessment reports

There are many benefits to receiving one of our risk assessment reports, some of which are listed below:

  • Safer environment
  • Reduced psycho-social risk
  • Increase performance
  • Provides educations, aids and adaptations


Our risk assessment reports provide a detailed summary of the main risk identified and will document how to best manage these, to ensure individuals can participate in their daily occupations in a safe and happy environment.
Each of our highly skilled therapists will tailor the report to meet the needs of that individual and will offer personalised treatment.

Arrange an appointment

If you are interested in obtaining a risk assessment report, or would like more information, then please feel free and email us at office@londonot.co.uk or call us on 02033 937 332

Find out more about arranging a risk assessment.



London OT offer and provide a range of Occupational Therapy services for individuals with a variety of conditions.

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